Thursday, November 11, 2010

At the Ballet..


I was thinking of taking singing, but now I just want to take ballet.   I did gymnastics from 1 3|4 - 9 and ballet when I was 5-7 and 12-21.  I took a break but feel I will be ready to go back in the fall.  I have to neaten all my stuff, too.  My mom recommended or said that I should do stuff like ballet and work in the fall next year.

It's that time when Orlando sleeps

at least for me it is.


I think I will take a ballet class|es and singing. They have the ballet one night a week. I could also go to the company classes for adults. They might be friendly. I want to boost my level at the community college to the fourth. Then we'll see what happens.

Pretty Half Lebanese Girl, Very Clean

She was working at the mental hospital I was staying at.  She looked clean.  She was half Spanish.  Lebanon is one of those Jewish places still.  I think that's amazing.  She had that puppet look with hair highlighted but was short.  She seemed really cozy all the time, you know that comfortable look.  Her cheeks drooped down and her nose was big.  Fortunately for me there was two others, one looking kinda 1|4 white 1|4 Asian, that sympathy look.  Then there was another guy with more dark flushed skin and a big nose and black hair.  The psychiatrist was dark Chinese, and the psychologist was a white burly boy.

There's nothing that in common with real blacks

from Africa.  African Americans are just bosting about their heritage being American and get the influence from being slaves or come over by choice actually.  Did you see the Audrey Hepburn videos?  ...  I forget what I was gonna say.

Able to Distinguish Asians

... I forget now.  Oh yea.  Some of them truly don't try.

Whenever he disses other indians he disses himself.

He disses himself to diss other part indians in the U.S., of which there seems to be a lot.  I don't know that mine is Cherokee, but my family is from further north on one side.  The other is out of the U.S., and no I'm not Filipino.

Complaining About What They're Doing

I think I finally found Johnny Depp's angle in the situation.  That's literally what's happening for him.  Why is he so French?  Is it his heritage, his love, or his one desire?

I want to major in voice ... because ...

I want to learn to sing like Charlotte Church and Evancho.

This is a nice community college.  I will take the general studies, in which I fulfill requirement for honors and the music and voice classes.

I'm also washing my dress

for the glamor shot this weekend!

I'm watching "Public Enemies"

with Johnny Depp as John Dillinger.

The redhead in "Sex and the City"

fits perfectly with her figure of a long neck.  It reminds me of a piece of clip art.

The African girl in "Sex and the City"

when she was going thru mail and you see her hands, though her skin is medium brown her hands looked like a European hand.  You couldn't tell at all.

Not all Koreans are white.

Ethnically they are white and ethnically Vietnamese are.  The Koreans have that look of being European with ingrained a light tan, like the English.  They seem quieter though and more secluded.  I take it Korea is lower than Japan, which is dry for being surrounded by so much water.  Literally, Chinese are whiter in every way.  Maybe not so much worried about anything like the southwest because that gets into Vietnam and it's sexy.  Vietnamese have that look about them of being in an adventurous place, shaped more Chinese and even more attractive than some of the inland Chinese.

Koreans are pretty cool.

I saved some pix of an attractive one that is shaped tall and slim more.  Aren't a lot of them shorter than average plus overweight|obese, though?  People like that are defensive.  They do act racist against me very much so.  So I am wondering what is wrong with these people.  The Chinese already assimilate to European.  No need for Korean whining.

Can people seriously walk around like this

and not care and act sarcastic, making them feel a way they are not.  These people aren't born into sinful European rightly.  How ridiculous!  These people are so dumb.  You wouldn't know if someone was Caucasian if you got hit with a stick.

Fact.  The near east is considered Caucasian once you get into it.  Fact.  India has a place in literature for children via The Secret Garden.  "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a science fiction book about Italians.  Fact.  Chinese is the whitest non-European civilization.  Fact.  The countries around China are extreme sections that must lean on eachself's.  Fact.  Native American is like Atlantis if you see the true beauty.  Fact.  African Americans are dark because they're ancestors were black.  Fact.  People will give you a chance if they know you can't beat them.

White People Do Claim to Be More Connected

to other cultures than Asian.  That's not true.  They lie about their connection to the other issue, Latin Americans.

Basically their law says that anyone not all European or whatever is not going to be okay.  I don't like part of the U.S. now.  I used to be treated well.  When I was 16 people thought I was a foreign exchange student, like from Germany or something.  If they see my dad with me or mom it is different.  It's a big problem.  Like, my dad in a way is more heavyset, but it's hard to tell since he's a bit taller.  My mom looks like she doesn't care what kind of Asian people think she is, but I keep getting bombarded about whining feelings about the Vietnamese, Korean, etc.  I am not Korean and am not Vietnamese and am not Japanese.  My kind of Chinese resembles Japanese, like the cleanliness and respect.  I have a feeling that's what it is.  I think it's a little more European.  Her mom seems to care even less if anyone knows she is white.  My guess is that other than Korea, Vietnam, and Japan that all the other cultures are okay with whites.  Middle Easterners some, not India in that way after seeing Slumdog Millionaire, even have better features.  That's the Jew countries.  The near east otherwise reminds me of Greece, some dark and some not as dark.

White People in Denial

Okay, only one of two things are true with Asians.  They put a lot of effort into being white, but just because a European is non-expressive of their general appearance doesn't mean anything.  European is a very close-knitted beautiful race.  Asia has things on rapport as well.

Night Is Getting Chilly

Better put on my sweater.

Losing My Weight - Weight Loss Secret

I went ahead and ate recently when I was hungry enough to and I think it replaced depleted cells.  I may be allowed to diet now.

People are so antsy to blame

others for things that are too tight.

I would have been all on track.

To do flag team when I made it.  I was worried about getting in trouble for not wanting to do it anymore.  I can't imagine at this point in time combining school with dance.

I quit dance to get thinner and study film.

I really like the director of The Nightmare Before Christmas and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I also like the actor Johnny Depp.  I think I more want to be in a famous movie for acting.  If asked to sing and dance I could, but I can't do some things in ballet.  Plus I feel overweight and need to stop eating when I do nothing.

I Can Dance Now

As I get better, I probably can do it.  I'd have to get a lot skinnier.  Considering my kind of height, I think I should be 100 pounds and 5'4.  Instead, I am 150 pounds and 5'3.  I can tell I am 5'4.  The food is helping me lift my torso from between my legs, the strength needed.

Too Old for Gymnastics

I do get jealous of people who can do trapeze, but I quit gymnastics at age 9.  I started at age 1 3|4.  I wish we did more when I was younger.  Now I have ballet and singing to consider.  It's okay to sing for fun, but why would I want to go into it?  I think I will have just done it for fun.  Now, what about ballet?  I just want to do nothing it seems.  I would totally try out for the dance team or get into talented theater earlier.

The memories of the one play where this cute boy played the lead with us doing this theater thing where you go, "This is a _______, a what, a _______, a what, _______, oh a _______.  As you ask you pass the _______.  I think it was worth it, but I'm sure I could have done much better auditioning and having gotten into theater.  We asked the front office if you can do more than one talented thing and that's what they said.  I was tired of Talented Music after 2 years, too, so glad I moved schools then.  I think in the play I was talking about, this dude was having a dream.


If people try to stimulate me, then I just don't listen.

Vow Not to Masturbate Since I Was a Kid

I used towels or blankets and sometimes pillows.  Perhaps my legs were already starting to get the body to sink in.  It happened worse later.  Anyway, the good news is when I lived in Greater New Orleans I pretty much stopped and don't know why.  In Orlando I had just went up north and back and I needed to do it so it would settle down how I feel.  I know it has to do with how good life is going for you.  Masturbating is better than sex. Now I don't even have to, so I feel thankful.  I do remember occasionally I did it in Greater New Orleans, like once in five years.  I "missed" it.  It's interesting now I can't do it almost.  It's just too hard.  I'm not that stimulated to do these things.  I went to the mental hospital and felt better.  I take pills now.  I used to get upset and punch the wall, but now I live in the garage.  It's pretty quiet now.

Black people don't have to be so gay.

We don't all need them to nanny our needs.  It was the other way around.  They needed us to enslave them to civilization because they were from wild tribes.  Though, the Spaniards killed the indians in the U.S., though many of them are mixed, like the mixed blacks from slavery.

I don't like the way African Americans use Europeans.

They treat them better if they look racist, too.  You know those people who don't care how they look but say they're still pretty vibrant like racially.  They figure they can't do anything than try to get people into fights.

You can't say a person is unacceptable socially regarding races.

If someone has indian or Mid East blood is not a reason not to accept them.  I think pretty much Asian is always from a climate that's not so hot.  There are fair people in south Asia.  It is by the mountains and beach.  Islanders are a race unto themselves.  Indonesia is an islander race, not Middle Eastern.  All these races put together is not Asian but Mongoloid.

How hot does it get in NY?

It sure gets cold in southwest NY by the Great Lakes.  It's deathly cold.  You have to go out in a coat.  You do down here in the south, too, but there aren't as many cold days really.  It snowed twice in New Orleans recently.  The wind blowing there is very cold, too.

Counselors are NOT there to make you feel good.

Like, you want someone to listen and treat you well, but nothing changes their mindset if they're tired.  They'll just look at you with glassy eyes and not really respond as a person.

Why Judge People the Opposite?

No one should be denied the right to experience living as a white European person.  Blacks can act European, but they want to stick together more.  You should never say well most of Asia looks retarded so why not tell pretty ones that they are fake retards who don't matter?

It's not nice to find it's not about you if you are fair and the other person is different racially.


I'm watching Sex and the City and was thinking you can't go around judging everyone if your a stickler for spotting out Jews, indians, and Asians.